About Lauren Sprieser

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So far Lauren Sprieser has created 344 blog entries.

Clinic with US Olympian Michael Barisone, and Used Tack Sale

By |2017-06-22T14:06:31-04:00June 22nd, 2017|News & Events|

Join us July 8-9 for a clinic with the brilliant and hilarious Michael Barisone. A member of the 2008 US Olympic Dressage Team and coach for the 2016 Bronze Medal winning Olympic Dressage Team and 2012 Olympic Eventing Team, Michael will coach professional, Jr/YR and amateur riders from green to Grand Prix.

Ride times are below. Auditing is $35/day if prepaid or $40/day at the door, and include lunch AND access to our used tack sale! We’ll have lots of great stuff on hand, including a beautiful wooden upright tack trunk and some GORGEOUS custom-made show coats! Email Lauren to sign up to audit.

10:00 Judy Sprieser & Dorian Gray, 9 yr Dutch Gelding by Sydney, 3rd Level
10:45 Lauren Sprieser & Gretzky RV, 6 yr Dutch Gelding by Johnson, 1st Level
11:30 Jennifer Heck & Rudy, 16 yr Hanoverian Gelding by Rotspon, 3rd Level
12:15 Lunch
12:45 Lisa Hellmer & Aniko, 11 yr Oldenburg Gelding, 4th Level
1:30 Liza Broadbent & Victorious, 15 yr Dutch Gelding by Patijn, Intermediate I
2:15 Eliza Gardner & Ellegria, 16 yr Westfalen Mare by Ehrentanz I, Young Riders
3:00 Lauren Fisher & Eureka BBR, 8 yr KWPN Mare by Sir Sinclair, 3rd Level
3:45 Jean Loonam & Red Hot Chili Pepper, 11 yr Hanoverian gelding, 1st Level
4:30 Torrey Wilkinson & Talisman BHF, 12 yr PRE-cross Mare by Temerario VII, Grand Prix
5:15 Dorie Forte & Froelich, 15 yr Oldenburg Gelding by Festrausch, Grand Prix

7:30 Judy Sprieser & Stratocaster, 11 yr GOV Gelding by Sir Donnerhall, 4th Level
8:15 Lee Phaup & Rainy, 14 yr Hanoverian Gelding, Prix St. Georges
9:00 Torrey Wilkinson & Talisman BHF, 12 yr PRE-cross Mare by Temerario VII, Grand Prix
9:45 Dorie Forte & Froelich, 15 yr Oldenburg Gelding by Festrausch, Grand Prix
10:30 Lauren Sprieser & Gretzky RV, 6 yr Dutch Gelding by Johnson, 1st Level
11:15 Liza Broadbent & Victorious, 15 yr Dutch Gelding by Patijn, Intermediate I
12 Lunch
12:30 Hannah McSween & Avatar, 11 yr Dutch Gelding by Art Deco, 3rd Level
1:15 Jean Loonam & Red Hot Chili Pepper, 11 yr Hanoverian gelding, 1st Level
2:00 Lisa Hellmer & Lyra, 13 yr Holsteiner mare by Limbus U, Prix St. Georges
2:45 Eliza Gardner & Ellegria, 16 yr Westfalen Mare by Ehrentanz I, Young Riders

Congratulations Lauren Fisher!

By |2017-06-19T06:00:17-04:00June 19th, 2017|News & Events|

We’ve had wonderful back-to-back weekends at Morven Park and HITS Culpeper, and a full report is to come, but congratulations are due to Assistant Trainer Lauren Fisher on completing her USDF Bronze Medal! Huge thanks to Beverley Thomas and her inimitable Fiero for helping Lauren achieve her final scores! Photo by TLP Equine.

Welcome, Puck!

By |2017-06-05T09:41:45-04:00June 5th, 2017|News & Events|

Meet Gretzky! Gretzky RV is a 2011 KWPN Gelding, Johnson-Elmshorn, and he’s the latest addition to Lauren’s show string. He’ll be Puck in the stable, and with his quick hind leg and bold markings, he’ll sure to be noticed in the showring. We’re excited to see him arrive from Holland next week! And thank you to the team at Inspo for bringing him into our lives!

The Outside Rein Rules

By |2017-06-05T09:39:03-04:00June 1st, 2017|COTH Posts|

I can sit and watch any horse sport done well. I love horses (news flash!), but more than that, I love dressage. And because I’m a huge nerd, I love seeing how dressage plays a role in all the other sports, that the basic tenants of training that I preach to my students apply to other disciplines.

Recently I had the great pleasure of a pairs driving lesson. A student of ours has been involved in pairs driving at the top level for years, and is now coming to dressage, but has a fantastic pair of cremello Morgan mares in training for whom we did some complementary under-saddle training, including the world’s cutest Pas de Deux last year. I hopped up in the cart to take them for a spin, starting out just puttering around in the open, and then tackling cones (at which I was marginally awful), and even a few basic marathon obstacles (which went much better).

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

Results from Lexington

By |2017-05-22T06:44:14-04:00May 22nd, 2017|News & Events|

We had a great outing to Lexington Spring Dressage! Our small but plucky force had some great educational rides, and ate SO MUCH good Mexican food. Onto Morven Park next month!

Here are some results from the show.

Eliza Gardner & Ellegria
1st Place Young Rider Team Test, 62.632%
2nd Place Young Rider Individual Test, 63.026%

Kristin Hickey & Leapfrog
4th Place Prix St. Georges, 62.763%

Kristin Hickey & Capital Call
3rd Place Prix St. Georges, 63.895%
3rd Place Prix St. Georges, 63.421%

Hannah McSween & Avatar
4th Place 2nd Level Test 3, 64.878%
6th Place 2nd Level Test 3, 63.415%

A Gold Medal Outing at CDCTA – May Newsletter

By |2017-05-22T06:39:16-04:00May 17th, 2017|News & Events|

We had a triumphant first recognized outing to CDCTA’s Spring show at Morven Park. Huge congratulations to Torrey Wilkinson for finishing her USDF Gold Medal, and to Kristin Hickey and Becky Lee for Zarco’s Second Level High Score! We’ve also got an upcoming weekend with Michael Barisone, and fun news about summer training and lessons. Read the rest here, and sign up to receive our e-newsletters directly in your inbox.

Casting Stones

By |2017-05-18T09:54:25-04:00May 11th, 2017|COTH Posts|

A while back I had a client enter a show at a big level, her debut at that level, and her first show after a long competitive gap. Her horse is an amazing creature, a phenomenal athlete with an equally incredible mind, who’s also had a long history of health issues, including trying very hard to die on her twice, fortunately to no avail. She’s done the lion’s share of the training herself, and he’d spent a month with me to finish up one last piece of the test. Was she ready to do this level? Mostly. Was it going to be incredible? Certainly not.

But I talked her into entering anyway, and here’s why. First, on her best day, she was close enough. Second, the show was close, and we—my students and I—were going already. This client doesn’t live nearby, so it was a great opportunity for me to be there with her to talk her through it. And last but not least, horses are horses, and she’s been thisclose to this level for two years, marred by an annoying injury in the middle.

Screw it, I told her. Life is short. Carpe diem. Get in the ring.

Read the rest online at The Chronicle of the Horse!

More Boring

By |2017-07-14T20:34:08-04:00April 19th, 2017|COTH Posts|

Years ago when he was a wee thing, Midge learned the flying changes fairly quickly, and rapidly got comfortable with the fours, threes and twos. But the ones eluded us for almost a year. Midge, with his combination of crazy Dutch Harness Horse knees and boundless enthusiasm, could get through a few, but soon enough he’d be launching himself with reckless abandon in about 37 directions at once, and strong and brave and long-legged thing that I am, I couldn’t hold him together.

And that, I learned, was the problem. No one is strong enough to hold back a tidal wave.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

Lauren’s 2017 Clinic Schedule

By |2017-04-17T06:38:04-04:00April 8th, 2017|News & Events|

Where in the world is Lauren? We’ve had several requests for her 2017 clinic schedule, so here it is!

April 23 – Ft. Defiance, VA
April 29-30 – Ottawa, ON, CAN
June 24-25 – Newton, PA
July 1-2 – Pittsburgh, PA
July 29-30 – Turtleford, SK, CAN
September 2-3 – Tunbridge, VT
November 18-19 – Lebanon, CT

Lauren is now accepting clinic dates for late summer and early fall; email her to learn more!

Arriving, Eventually

By |2017-04-09T10:33:13-04:00April 7th, 2017|COTH Posts|

After a whirlwind last week in Florida, an exciting trip home involving—you guessed it!—two flat tires, and 2 1/2 days to move into my new house in nearby Warrenton, my Floridian team and I are safely back in Virginia, reunited with the home team, and back up and running. I’ve got a few relatively quiet weeks at home until we start the usual spring chaos of constant horse shows and clinics; I’m home one weekend between the end of April and the 4th of July.

But whereas last year I had a full string of horses to show, and even more at home, plugging away at their work, this year I have… Danny, who is maybe going to do a Grand Prix at the end of the year, or maybe not.

And that’s it. Hurricane is spending the summer at Camp Barisone. And other than my wonderful 25-year-old Billy, who I visited in his field today as he enjoys his well-earned retirement, that’s all I’ve got.

It’s weird, having the fewest horses I’ve ever owned since I was a teenager.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

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