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So far Lauren Sprieser has created 344 blog entries.

Growing Up, Bit By Bit

By |2018-10-15T14:47:13-04:00October 9th, 2018|COTH Posts|

Photo by Tylir Penton Photography.

School is back in session, and the leaves are starting to turn. It’s fall, which means it’s officially been a year since both Puck and Swagger entered their working lives with me. I’ve always believed it takes a year to get to really know any new horse, trained or prospect; then add in to the mix the fact that young horses are constantly evolving, and really knowing them as individuals is an ongoing proposition.

But I’m very confident in my lay of Puck’s land now. In the beginning, he was a pretty colossal jerk, with a teenage anger management issue combined with 17.2 hands of enthusiasm that moved and accepted the aids (or not) like a bull in a china shop. Puck’s approach to life was to just power through everything, usually by grabbing the bit and bearing down on it with all his might, and if I was successful in getting a word in edgewise, he’d get mad and hit the brakes.

It made for an exciting first few months. And with any new horse, you don’t really know how far they’ll take their disruptive behavior until you’ve lived with it a while. I had a horse screw up my confidence pretty badly a while back, and I’m not a kid anymore either, so I didn’t totally trust him for a while.

Over the winter, he started to let me in. And then we went to a few shows this spring as a non-compete, where he really reverted to his bad boy ways off property, and I started to worry. But in late May, something changed; all of a sudden he wasn’t so angry. He’d let me apply and remove pressure. He became willing to try life just outside of his comfort zone, and more than that he became able to make a mistake and not get pissed as a result.

Clinics, Clinics, Clinics! September e-Newsletter

By |2018-09-30T05:51:54-04:00September 30th, 2018|News & Events|

It’s finally fall! And we’re ringing in the season with some amazing educational opportunities, like clinics with Michael Barisone, a workshop on body clipping, and a fantastic panel on soundness in schoolmasters with US Dressage Team vet Dr. Cricket Russillo. Read all about ’em, plus some great show successes and some new faces around the barn, in our September e-newsletter. And make sure you sign up to receive it directly in your inbox!

The Muggle Road Not Taken

By |2018-10-01T07:39:28-04:00September 17th, 2018|COTH Posts|

I’m envious of Ravi’s ability to sleep.

Partially that’s because I’m a lifelong non-sleeper. I come from a long line of neurotic people who’ve carpe diem’d their way through life. I can fall asleep anywhere, but staying asleep is a challenge, and even on my most raucous of youthful nights it was a rare thing for me to be able to make it past 7. These days, I get excited when I sleep to my alarm at 5:10.

I’m writing this at 8:30 on a Sunday morning. I awoke at 4:30, read for a bit, went to the barn for our usual 6 a.m. start (having brought my staff Starbucks), helped with chores, organized some things, and now I’m home, because Ravi, my boyfriend, has a fantastic weekend planned for us to celebrate my upcoming birthday. I’ve already been to work and come home. And he’s still asleep.

There’s no judgment in this: I’m delighted that at least one of us is a normal human, because I think if we were both annoying morning people we’d probably kill each other. I just sit back in awe of it. I wonder what it would be like? Because the other part of my envy of his ability to sleep is my occasional wondering what could have been, had my path taken me somewhere else, had I chosen another road.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

Ride Times for August 29-30 Michael Barisone Clinic

By |2018-08-27T09:52:07-04:00August 27th, 2018|News & Events|

2 Jodie Harney & Sullivan, 6 yr Oldenburg Gelding by Surprice, First Level
2:45 Lauren Sprieser & Gretzky RV, 7 yr KWPN Gelding by Johnson, Third Level
3:30 Hannah McSween & Montesol, 13 yr Lusitano Gelding, Intermediate I
4:15 Break
4:30 Barbara Burk & De L’Amour, 12 yr Oldenburg Mare by Diamonit, First Level
5:15 Julia McElligott & Finley Nord, 8 yr Danish Gelding by Furst Rosseau, Third Level
6 Jean Loonam & Red Hot Chili Pepper, 11 yr Hanoverian Gelding, Third Level
6:45 Nancy Sulek & Range Rover LGF, 11 yr Oldenburg Gelding by Ruffian, Fourth Level

6 Nancy Sulek & Range Rover LGF, 11 yr Oldenburg Gelding by Ruffian, Fourth Level
6:45 Lauren Sprieser & Gretzky RV, 7 yr KWPN Gelding by Johnson, Third Level
7:30 Jean Loonam & Red Hot Chili Pepper, 11 yr Hanoverian Gelding, Third Level
8:15 Anna Cramer & Dan De Lion, 5 yr Oldenburg Gelding, First Level
9 Break
9:15 Jodie Harney & Sullivan, 6 yr Oldenburg Gelding by Surprice, First Level
10 Barbara Burk & De L’Amour, 12 yr Oldenburg Mare by Diamonit, First Level
10:45 Becky Lee & Preacher, 3 yr Hanoverian Gelding by Rosenthal, Training Level
11:30 Marlene McGrath & Prince of Hearts, 4 yr Appaloosa Cross Gelding, Training Level

Stratocaster, 2006-2018

By |2018-10-01T07:38:03-04:00August 19th, 2018|COTH Posts|

He was coming 4, big and slow and goofy. I brought him an apple from my hotel, and it took him about 20 minutes to eat it, turning it into mush in my hand. He had a huge tail and big eyes and was sweet as can be. I brought him home, got him in front of my leg and taking my hand, and he proceeded to be the most angry, hostile and fractious young man I’ve ever owned from 4.5 to 9, when he realized that if he just shut up and accepted his lot in life, he’d get a lot more cookies and work a lot less hard. But it took so, SO many hours of running backwards, gnashing his teeth and pinning his ears.

His name was Stratocaster, and he was one of the great horses of my career.

And now he’s gone.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse.

A Reminder Of Our Own Mortality

By |2018-10-01T07:36:24-04:00August 15th, 2018|COTH Posts|

There have been so many. A working student’s horse on whom I made it about 20 feet. A homebred 3-year-old on whom I made it half a 20-meter circle. The time my OTTB dropped me into a wall, and I broke my collarbone (though I got back on AND went to school for a few days before seeing a doctor. Ain’t nobody got time for that.) My Young Riders horse, L’Etoile, put me in the dirt recreationally, at least three times in our two-year partnership. Danny’s a repeat offender as well, and once I bit it off Midge while swimming in the pond, learning a valuable lesson that falling off IN the pond is painless, but falling off on the BANK of the pond gets you three days of Vicodin.

But there was That One Time.

Every trainer I know has That One Time, at least one, sometimes more. A fall that really rattled. For some of my friends, That One Time resulted in a big hairy injury. But I know lots more, and I fall into this category, where That One was more about a reminder of our own mortality.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

So You Didn’t Win Young Riders

By |2018-10-01T07:33:23-04:00August 6th, 2018|COTH Posts|

So you came in eighth or 12th or 24th. You made mistakes, or you got in the ring and panicked, or you got cocky or you just got straight up outhorsed. Or maybe you didn’t score high enough in qualifying to get named to a team. Maybe your horse got hurt or sick or the money to travel across the country was too great. Maybe you don’t even have access to a horse to teach you that level of work at all.

You are one lucky duck.

Statistically speaking, the winners of Young Riders aren’t the ones we see in senior competition down the road. To wit: Ali Brock and Courtney King Dye placed in the 20s. Adrienne Lyle placed 12th one year. (I remember; I was 11th, and it was nice to stand next to someone tall.) And neither Kasey Perry-Glass nor Laura Graves went to the NAYRC, as it was known when they were of age, at all.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

Summer Break

By |2018-10-01T07:31:42-04:00July 30th, 2018|COTH Posts|

Last weekend we attended our last show of our summer season. The competition season here in Virginia starts in April, revs up through May and June and culminates in one big show mid-July, after which it gets beastly hot and unpleasant, and it’s terrific to be able to give the horses the rest of July and all of August to basically flop around and have a breather.

I also taught my last get-on-a-plane clinic for a while, which means that other than a few events on the farm, and a one-day show about 15 miles from my farm, I get to be HOME, with a NORMAL SCHEDULE, until September.

This. Is. Awesome.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

Ride Times For July 18-19 Michael Barisone Clinic

By |2018-07-16T15:28:38-04:00July 16th, 2018|News & Events|

Below are ride times for our July 18-19 clinic with US Olympian Michael Barisone. Sign up to audit at EventClinics.com!

10:45 Lisa Hellmer & Aniko, 11 yr Oldenburg Gelding, Prix St. Georges
11:30 Lauren Sprieser & Gretzky RV, 7 yr KWPN Gelding by Johnson, Third Level
12:15 Rhonda Van Lowe & Escritor HGF, 5 yr PRE Gelding, Training Level
1 Lunch
1:30 Julia McElligott & Finley Nord, 8 yr Danish Gelding by Furst Rosseau, Third Level
2:15 Jean Loonam & Red Hot Chili Pepper, 11 yr Hanoverian Gelding, Third Level
3 Hannah McSween & Montesol, 13 yr Lusitano Gelding, Intermediate I
3:45 Lauren Sprieser & Helio, 7 yr Lusitano Gelding by Dom HI, Third Level
4:30 Barbara Burk & De L’Amour, 12 yr Oldenburg Mare by Diamonit, First Level
5:15 Jennifer Heck & Rudy, 17 yr Hanoverian Gelding by Rotspon, Fourth Level

7:30 Jean Loonam & Red Hot Chili Pepper, 11 yr Hanoverian Gelding, Third Level
8:15 Lauren Sprieser & Ellington, 4 yr Westfalen Gelding by Everdale, Training Level
9 Lisa Hellmer & Aniko, 11 yr Oldenburg Gelding, Prix St. Georges
9:45 Lauren Sprieser & Gretzky RV, 7 yr KWPN Gelding by Johnson, Third Level
10:30 Barbara Burk & De L’Amour, 12 yr Oldenburg Mare by Diamonit, First Level
11:15 Lauren Sprieser & Helio, 7 yr Lusitano Gelding by Dom HI, Third Level
12 Lunch
12:30 Julia McElligott & Finley Nord, 8 yr Danish Gelding by Furst Rosseau, Third Level
1:15 Jennifer Heck & Rudy, 17 yr Hanoverian Gelding by Rotspon, Fourth Level

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