Succeeding From Home

By |2019-08-02T13:54:36-04:00July 30th, 2019|COTH Posts|

If money were no object, many of my amateur students would have multiple horses, all in full training, so they could come to the barn and enjoy their horses and riding without worrying about the trials and tribulations of farm ownership and of taking care of their own animals. Things like well pumps (which exclusively break at 2 a.m.), fence boards (which exclusively break above 90° or below 20°) and our favorite Flesh Wound of Unknown Origin are all hindrances to any rider’s plan, and most of those come off the table when your horse is in a training program.

But I’ve got a few students who would keep their horses at home or in a boarding stable anyway because they truly enjoy all the good parts about having their horses close at hand. And here in the real world, training is expensive, and that’s not an option for everyone. Over the years I’ve had, and continue to have, many students who not only keep their horses at home or in a boarding program, but also bring them up the levels to compete with success at FEI. Their stories are all different, but they have some commonalities.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

Common Ancestry

By |2019-07-21T08:50:56-04:00July 12th, 2019|COTH Posts|

I’ve ridden extensively with three of Michael Poulin’s most accomplished students—I rode with Lendon Gray all through college; I was a working student for and have an ongoing friendship with Carol Lavell, and now for almost a decade I’ve trained with Michael Barisone—but somehow I’d never ridden with Michael Poulin himself. So when the team at Barisone Dressage invited me to ride with him in a clinic, I popped Elvis on the trailer and schlepped on up, though with some trepidation.

This is a HUGELY accomplished person, and while he’s also in my educational family tree, it’s also been a long time since I’ve ridden with someone besides my regular coach. What if he’s a mean, old dinosaur? What if he’s tough on my wonderful horse, who’s going brilliantly? What if he wants to change my plan and takes the train off the tracks?

I needn’t have worried. My lessons were vastly respectful of my way with my horse, and he didn’t try and reinvent the wheel for me. He adored Elvis (let’s be real, who doesn’t?) and was tremendously kind to him and considerate of his needs and his welfare. And he was just the right amount of tough on me, with a light heart and a twinkle in his eye.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

The Life of a Professional Isn’t as Glamorous as Social Media Makes it Look

By |2019-08-09T18:29:46-04:00July 10th, 2019|COTH Posts|

Lauren wrote a deeply personal piece for, a leading equestrian lifestyle magazine, about the ups and downs of being a professional rider, and how social media can both make it seem much sunnier, and communicate truth. For more information on the Red White & Blue (Ribbon) Club, click here.

I was hiking with a friend and student of mine, an amateur rider who brought her last horse up to the FEI-level in dressage. Her next project is a young, athletic Warmblood mare who was, at the time, hissing and spitting about the application of leg, as the young and athletic Warmblood mares of the world have been known to do.

“I’d be a little panicked,” she said as we scrambled over hill and dale, “if I hadn’t known you for a decade and watched you suffer through Midge and Ella and Fender and Danny and Dorian’s five-, six-, and seven-year-old years when they were teenage dirtbags. And they all worked out. So I have faith.”

It’s a sentiment I hear often. I’ve been writing a blog for the “Chronicle of the Horse” for 10 years, a decade that has seen many a young horse come into my life, behave like a doofus for a while, then finally accept the rules of life and grow up to be a perfectly delightful international horse either for myself, an amateur, or a kid. I’ve also brought their stories out into the world through my personal blog, and at least once a week I get an email from someone who tells me that the stories of my idiot young horses growing up gives them hope for their rogue youngster. I love writing, and I’ve used the medium to share both the ups and downs of life as a dressage trainer, of which there are many.

In these internet-fueled times, where much of our time and energy is spent on social media, it’s easy to get caught in Wonderland, taking everyone’s Facebook and Instagram lives as reality. I can’t imagine how it must feel to be the average amateur rider, dealing with the frustrations and plateaus of training with their one horse on whom they focus their attention (and, accordingly, base their happiness), only to see on Facebook a pretty picture of me frolicking on Elvis in the field. That moment I posted for the world to see is a sunny view of my life, but I promise you, things are not always as rosy as they appear. What they don’t see is Puck had a fat leg that day, Swagger is two inches taller behind at the moment, and I’m dealing with having gained 10 pounds since I hurt my back this winter. On the flipside, I’m thrilled to death because I have two new working students, which brings an end to me running my barn at 50% staff. And that’s just this month.

Read the rest at Noelle Floyd.

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