In The Quiet, In The Dark

By |2017-03-01T22:58:31-05:00January 31st, 2017|COTH Posts|

I like the quiet moments at the shows. I like the mornings especially, when I come to feed Ella and clean her stall before heading out to the farm to work the rest of the horses. I like the stable compound before the masses descend, when it’s just quietly eating and breathing horses and a handful of riders or grooms going about their morning chores.

And while of course I don’t begrudge anyone for having a groom—I have help when I show too, and I don’t have a spouse or kids or a life who demand my attention in the morning—I like seeing Big Time riders doing their own morning or evening chores, laying their hands on their horses legs, checking in with their horse, their partner, their friend.

And I really like it when those Big Time riders stop by to chat, say hello, ask how my ride went. These folks don’t know me from Adam, and I’m nobody, but there’s a few in particular who always make a little time, and I find that lovely and gracious. We hear so often about the ugliness of high performance sport, the drugs and the double commissions and the highest of stakes. Little moments like that give me faith in it all again.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!


You Can Actually Fix Stupid

By |2017-02-11T00:51:46-05:00January 17th, 2017|COTH Posts|

I was making my list of goals for 2017, and on the list (along with “eat like an adult,” “sleep past 4 am” and “take a cooking class to improve my knife skills”) is to get a 7 or better on the canter half pass zig zag in a CDI Grand Prix. I understand the movement, I teach others how to ride the movement… and I myself, on Ella, can’t seem to ride the movement in the ring. I get the count right, I get 6 or 6.5, and it’s fine, it just can be so much better, and it really needs to be better, to get the scores I want.

I get a lesson on Ella almost every day, and I mentioned this to Michael in the middle of last week. He told me to go show him what I was doing. I did. And then he said, “You’re straightening on step 3, and that’s too early. It’s taking too long. Don’t straighten until step 5. Now go do it again.”

So I did. And it was lovely. And at the end, I stopped, dropped the reins, threw up my hands, and cried out: “I am SO DUMB!”

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

It’s Camp Time! Winter Dressage Camps 2017

By |2017-03-01T18:52:04-05:00January 9th, 2017|News & Events|

We’re pleased to announce TWO weekends of Winter Adult Camp with Assistant Trainers Lisa Hellmer and Natasha Sprengers-Levine. Join us for 3 lessons, overnight stabling, and catered lunch with featured speaker Dr. Chad Davis of Davis Equine, LLC, all for just $150! Enjoy our facilities and meet other riders in the area on January 28-29 and/or February 4-5. Email for registration information.

Notes From The Trip To Florida

By |2017-02-14T09:24:20-05:00January 8th, 2017|COTH Posts|

December 1: It’s official! Nine horses will be going to Florida, to a brand-new barn that we’ll have all to ourselves. Awesome. I’ll bring down one working student—conveniently also named Lauren—and hire someone local to do stalls for us. It’ll be a lot of work, but it’ll be OK.

December 5: Well, now there are only seven stalls available. Thankfully, a farm just down the road has two available, so while it’s a bummer to have horses in two places, we’ll make it work.

December 10: Just kidding, it’s now 10 horses. Whatever, we’ll make it work.

December 20: Um, now it’s 11 horses. Way too much for one working student. PANIC.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

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