COTH Posts
No Kicking Of Cans
Danny is 8 this year. He’s always been wildly talented; I bought him in June of his 6-year-old year, by which time he could [...]
Break’s Over
I’m terribly careful with my horses and their schedules. I’m a little bit of a nut about making sure they get down time, not [...]
2016 U.S. Dressage Finals: In The Books, With One Regret
I’m sitting in my PJs recovering from a terrific trip to Kentucky for the U.S. Dressage Finals, sipping coffee, listening to my mountains of [...]
Two Ways Up The Levels
I get asked some form of this question 50 times a year, in lessons, at clinics, via email or Facebook: how do I rise [...]
Ebb And Flow
Between Michael giving a clinic at my place a few weeks ago, our Regional Finals two weeks after that, and Devon two weeks after [...]
The Devon Magic
Devon and I, we go way back. We go back to 2005, where I did win the Young Rider freestyle on a very, very [...]