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So far Lauren Sprieser has created 344 blog entries.

Understanding That The Path Is Not Linear

By |2025-03-10T20:14:10-04:00March 10th, 2025|COTH Posts|

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine took his young, promising FEI horse to a big indoor show—their first after a season of success in outdoor competition. The Grand Prix went well. But in the freestyle, his poor horse was overwhelmed by the environment and utterly lost the plot. My friend had to pilot a bomb around, so the score was a bit grim. A Facebook page I follow had posted about it, and with my heart in my throat, I clicked on the comments section.

To my both shock and delight, it wasn’t the train wreck I was expecting—far from it:

“What a great job he did, handling that unfortunate situation!”

“Bad luck but handled beautifully, and the horse will be better for it next time.”

“Special horse! Just needs time and experience.”

I was floored, because the timbre of conversation on the internet about animal welfare is not usually so compassionate toward the rider. There’s no doubt that all of us—in dressage, in horse sport writ large—have some reckoning to do, but there’s a loud and committed population online that seizes upon every opportunity to tell us that high performance sport is torture, that we’re all out there drugging and wailing upon our poor animals to make them move like the circus, and that true training should be done with nothing more than love and moonbeams, if done at all.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

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Cheers to 2024

By |2025-01-23T15:52:57-05:00January 23rd, 2025|Snippets|

2024, you were a really rough assignment for a lot of people. You brought heartache and chaos to many parts of the world, both horsey and not. You caused pain. You caused angst.

And I feel like a heel, because you were one of the best calendar years of my life.

I’ve been joking-not-joking with people about how this was the year in which I officially Arrived: I was asked to give a lecture to the US Pony Club, I won a National Championship, and I’m now sponsored by Mrs. Pastures Horse Cookies. I have MADE IT, y’all. 

And it wasn’t just those three things. I wrote a little book, and I’m finalizing a contract on a big one. I put together my second syndicate to buy another stellar horse, and between the two syndicate horses and my own, I’m sitting on the best horses of my career. I was given an amazing opportunity to own an incredible senior Grand Prix horse, on whom I was able to make it possible to let some people I love show FEI. I taught more clinics and lessons than I’ve ever taught in a calendar year. My staff is phenomenal. My clients are wonderful.

I’m terrified.

I know there’s nothing holy about January 1, no magic happens at 12:01, but it’s easy to look back and think of the year 20blahblah as good or bad, and I’ve had some bad. The year that everything died. The year(s) that I was broke. The year where what I thought was my path to success was suddenly uprooted. I’ve been in those years. We’ve all had those years. One human constant is failure, whether by our own choices or by the universe slapping us with some calamity.

And I know that there’s always dark within the light, and light within the dark. The worst year of my life, the year that I nearly went bankrupt, which was followed by the year in which everything died, was also the year that my now-husband waltzed in. This year, in which there was so, so very much good, had its ick times: a death of someone I cared for deeply, some staffing challenges, having to get real about horses in my life and what they wanted to be when they grew up. It wasn’t all sunshine and roses, just as the down times can have their moments of joy.

But it just feels like there’s been too much good, and what goes up must inevitably come down. So I’m going to prepare for it. I’m trying hard to do right by my people, setting up a 401k for my employees, and focusing hard on finding them learning opportunities (as I always do). I’m checking off some deferred maintenance, so at least when chaos descends, it’ll hopefully be unpreventable chaos, because that’s less painful, somehow, in my weird little brain. And I’m writing things like this, to remember all the triumph, all the glory, all the bright shining success of this year’s good times, because I can look back and remember what it felt like, when things go inevitably to shit.

I expressed this thought to a friend recently, who said, “that’s not planning ahead. That’s a trauma response.” And maybe it is. But I think, then, that life is inherently traumatic. But for me, the worst days in this horse business, the days when all hell has, truly, broken loose, are still a price worth paying for all the good. So cheers to you, 2024, and onward.

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My Human Is Just… A Lot

By |2025-01-12T15:55:47-05:00January 8th, 2025|COTH Posts|

My human is just … a lot. She means well, and she tries hard, but she has a lot of room for improvement.

Take, for example, her approach to my management this fall. I won two regional championships and one national championship for us, after which she (wisely) gave me a richly deserved vacation. But her idea of vacation and my idea of vacation are very different. I think vacation should be about doing your favorite things, which for me is hacking and stretching and running away with her. While she did allow for the hacking and the stretching, she also thinks vacation should include riding with the reins in one hand to continue to battle her tendency to pull. And that’s fine, except that then she expects me to respond to her efforts by actually listening to her seat and not running away, which is what causes her to pull, and that just seems like a very unreasonable expectation. (In fairness to her, I understand that she spent part of her three-day vacation this summer writing her book, so at least she’s consistently confused about what vacation means).

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

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Lauren’s Holiday Gift Guide for 2024

By |2024-11-21T08:18:47-05:00November 21st, 2024|Snippets|

It’s holiday shopping time! And as a professional rider who is not remotely nice to her equipment, I’ve got some great ideas for hard-wearing and pragmatic gifts that a rider at any level will appreciate. If you’re shopping for a horse enthusiast, here’s what I suggest:

– A pair of cozy winter gloves from Roeckl. My favorite is the Roeckl Grip Winter, which is just thick enough to keep me cozy while not leaving me too bulky to actually use my hands. Pick up a pair from Misty View Equestrian here.

– While you’re checking out Misty View’s website, treat yourself to a pair of Kingsley custom boots, and then up your matchy-matchy game by adding a Kask helmet with matching leather. My Kingsley Capris are tough as can be, even with the massive amount of riding, walking and general abuse I subject them to. And I LOVE my Kask Starlady with matching leather. Learn about custom ordering here, and be sure to keep an eye on their stock sale starting November 29!

– A (free!) feed consult from Tribute Equine Nutrition. We started feeding Tribute more than a decade ago, and our horses have never been shinier and healthier from less concentrate. That’s good for their bellies AND good for our wallets. And their team of nutritionists will do a free nutrition consult to come up with the best feeding plan for your horse, including our personal favorite product, Essential K with Fly Control. You may not need fly control over the winter, depending on what part of the country you’re from, but switching my barn over to that product has DRAMATICALLY reduced our fly population both in VA and – even more remarkably, because we’re right next to a canal – in FL. Fill out the form here and get your feed plan.

– A container of Mrs. Pastures Ring Ready treats. Unless you’re a snowbird, the next show season is, in fact, not soon. But these are just the freaking BEST treats for year round – they’re small enough for a horse to take even with a double bridle on, they contain a gut buffer to help sooth stressy tummies, they don’t disintegrate in your pocket (even when it’s hot as heck out!), and they’re super tasty. Check them out here.

– A Finesse bridle from Horse By Horse, and a Bridle Mattress to keep it in good condition. Man oh man, the Finesse bridle is just stinking magical. In a world of gimmicks in the name of horse comfort, the Finesse has actual science proving its claims, and they’ve been effective for me on a huge range of horses – ones who were great in the bridle are better, ones who want to be too light in the bridle take contact nicely, and ones that want to lean or bear down are better in the self-carriage. It’s pretty dang remarkable, and you can order them from Horse By Horse here. Then get yourself a BridleMattress here to protect it (and get a SaddleMattress to protect your saddle too!).

– New winter rugs from Bow Horse. Let’s face it – unless you’re a snowbird, your horse is, at some point midwinter, going to render his rug so foul that it’ll basically stand up on its own. Having a second set means you can always have one clean and ready to go. Bow Horse rugs are incredibly hard wearing (just ask my little chaos monkeys!), without the expense of bigger brand names. And the colors are to DIE FOR. Check them out here.

– A Ride iQ membership. Unless you’re in a full training program, you need Ride iQ, an audio lesson subscription app that grants you access to ride-along lessons with big time pros like, well, me! From grassroots to FEI, there’s a mountain of rides on Ride iQ to chose from, from warmups to teaching new skills to whole rides, all with a top professional in your ear. And your membership also gets you access to a private Facebook group that is truly the nicest horsey community on the ‘net. Click here to learn about a free trial!

– A new pair (or two!) of white Pro 2.0 show breeches from Esprit. If you show more than a handful of times a year, you know how dingy white breeches can get after multiple washes. They’re a dumb thing to spend a lot of money on, which is why I’ve loved showing in Esprit breeches this year. They hold up amazing – they’re my daily wear as well, and lord knows I’m not gentle on my equipment – and the price tag means that they’re easy to replace when they come to the end of their lifespan. I prefer the white/white, but I always keep a white/black seat in my bag in case it rains. Click here and use code lauren to get 5% off your first order.

– While you’re thinking about getting show ready, treat yourself to a new show shirt from Novella. When coats are waived, I switch to the Devin model shirt, so I’m still protected from the sun with its long sleeves and zip collar, but I don’t have to melt in my jacket. Check out their gorgeous line here.

– And as you get yourself ready for show season, Bex Bar Shampoo is a fabulous stocking stuffer for your barn mates. Shampoo bars have been my own personal go-to for years, as they’re long lasting with SO much less plastic waste. Bex Bars are formulated for animal use, smell AMAZING, and are super easy to store and travel with. Learn all about ’em here.

– Tired of having to replace your rubber Fillis stirrup pads when they lose tread? Upgrade to one of the Tech Stirrup dressage models. Go traditional with silver or black, or tart it up with the GORGEOUS titanium pair I just got. Click here to see all their options.

– Lastly, all of Spectra Therapy’s product line is phenomenal, but if you want the most bang for the least buck, bring home the neck/body wrap and two tendon bootkit. The neck wrap can be used way more places than just the neck – I put it on top of the saddle area before rides on tight days, or I’ll flip it upside down to use on the belly for horses who have an upset tummy. And the leg wraps are great for legs, but they’re also easy to wrap around my own legs or back when one of them is flaring up. Spectra Therapy offers Class 3 Lasers in wearables, so you can literally set it and forget it for hours, even overnight. Laser therapy is the best modality out there for healing and reducing inflammation. We use ours every day! Check out that package here, and check out the rest of the site for more wearables for you, your horse and your dog.

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Be Careful What You Bedazzle, and Other Tips from 40

By |2024-10-30T12:47:02-04:00October 7th, 2024|COTH Posts|

So, I’m 40 now. It doesn’t look like I thought it would as a kid.

Some things are better than I’d dreamed. Some things are, in fact, worse. I thought I’d be further along in my life and my career, and I’m still dealing with that. But I’m prouder of unexpected things, and I’m less emotionally attached to some things I’d really thought would be important to me. And I imagine that, at 50, and at 60, and beyond, some of those things will become even more important, and some of those things will seem even sillier still.

But I’m 40 today, and coincidentally my business is turning 17 years old as well. Let me tell you some things I’ve learned, and some things I’m still learning.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

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Early Support Could Be A Game-Changer For Young-Horse Trainers

By |2024-09-23T08:08:47-04:00September 19th, 2024|COTH Posts|

My last blog was about our triumphant 2024 Paris Paralympic Games for American dressage enthusiasts. Gold after gold, a brilliant week of consistent and extraordinary excellence. It was a contrast to the Olympic Games, where our team suffered the two most inconveniently timed hiccups ever, following a team selection process that required the throwing of a lot of Hail Marys. Isabell Werth aboard Wendy and Cathrine Ladrup-Dufour aboard Freestyle showed that green partnerships can achieve big results, but it wasn’t in the cards this year for the U.S.

Our 2021 Tokyo Olympic performance was stellar. Sabine Schut-Kery led the way aboard her homemade Sanceo, joining the rarified club of American riders who’ve placed fourth individually, and Adrienne Lyle with Salvino and Steffen Peters with Suppenkasper were on top form to collectively earn team silver. When the champagne flutes were put away and the confetti vacuumed up, did the conversation amongst those in power in U.S. dressage turn to the fact that Salvino was 14, Sanceo, 15, and Mopsie, 13?

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

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5 Takeaways From The Paralympics

By |2024-09-23T08:10:41-04:00September 10th, 2024|News & Events|

Man, oh man, what a triumph it was for us at the Paris Paralympics! We all knew it was going to be an exciting Games for USA Para Dressage, but it ain’t over ’til it’s over. And Becca Hart, Fiona Howard, Roxie Trunnell and Kate Shoemaker came, saw and conquered, and took home a mountain of medals for equestrian sports in Paris.

I love it when our country succeeds in sport, but I was particularly invested in these Games, as Becca Hart is one of my closest friends, and I sat in my office, bawling my eyes out, watching her conquer Grade III. I made time to watch all the Americans, and as my timing was imperfect, I also ended up seeing a fair bit of the rest of the competition as well. And I made a few notes on things we can learn, as high-performance riders and as able-bodied riders writ large, from their monumental triumph, and from para sport in general.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

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What’s Next: Looking To The 2025 Horse

By |2024-08-03T07:28:13-04:00August 3rd, 2024|Snippets|

Over the years, through breeding my own and selling them, through the help of some incredible people, through a few really creative loans, and through a HECK of a lot of hard work, I’ve managed to own many of my own horses. Owning my own means I answer to no one, and it means that when they go right, the proceeds of their sales funds the next group. My goal is that each one I train and, as I’ve yet to find my Team mount, sell leads to the purchase of two more young horses to bring along; I’m ok when the sale of one leads to the purchase of one.

But the stinky part about owning my own is that I’m on the financial hook if they don’t work out. And sometimes, when I’m in a rough patch, the sale of one doesn’t fund the next; I have to sell two to fund the next. And that’s where I am right now.

By the end of this year, I’ll have found new homes for two of mine that were bought young and, to my great dismay, aren’t going to be what I need them to be. And that means that, next year, I’ll start the search for what’s next. Again: this is not happening right now. So if you read this and then ping me about something that you have for sale RIGHT NOW, you will have wasted your time. But I love supporting American breeding, I love a good plan in advance, and I’m writing this while bored on an airplane and with a fire in my belly to trying to improve upon our next Olympic performances. Plus you just never know what’s out there – not just what horses are out there, but also what breeders or owners might be interested in a creative situation – until you ask. So here’s what I’m looking for.

– gotta be under saddle. Again, we’re talking in 2025, so it may not be under saddle now, but it’s gotta be going. Yes, I realize that horses already under saddle cost more than those who aren’t. Yes, I know my money could go farther if I got one that wasn’t yet backed. I’m old and I’m crunchy and I’m willing to spend more money to have more of my questions answered. With that said, the reality of my financial situation is that it’s likely I’m going to only be able to afford something that, in 2025, will be 3 or 4.

– gotta be tall. 100% for sure it’s silly for most people to rule out a horse that might be an inch or two above or below your dream, because body type is a factor. But I’m a leggy 5’10”. There’s not a chonky enough 16.2 hander to be big enough for me. They’ve gotta be 17h+ at maturity.

– it’s gotta move like hell. And I really can’t believe that I have to say this, but it has to have a warmblood pedigree. I am sure your Arab cross, draft cross, Irish Draught or TB cross is a LOVELY animal, I am. I am not a snob. But I’m a realist, and I want to play at the highest level. Only something bred out the wazoo is going to have what is needed to play in the big ring.

– if she’s a mare, she’s gotta have a team player personality, and not an alpha bitch one. As an alpha bitch myself, there can only be one of us in this relationship, and it’s me. (As an aside, I have no patience for a lecture on why I should love bitchy mares, and I REALLLLLLY have no patience for a lecture on why I’m a crappy feminist for using the b-word. Get over it and move on.)

– if he’s a stallion, and I will personally own him outright, he will be gelded. If you have an interesting stallion that you want to keep intact and maybe retain ownership of, we can chat, but I won’t own one myself.

– it must have a quiet mouth, and I’m personally annoyed by the flinchy spooky ones. Hot is fine, and a cheeky weirdo will, alas, lol, fit in just fine around here. But I like brave.

– lastly, while I’m not a nutcase about PPEs and x-rays, it must have excellent feet, clean legs and – above all else – a solid neck. Everyone’s got the thing that makes them spook, and for me, it’s necks.

This is a thing I will be looking for no earlier than January 2025, so if you have it right now and need to part with it right now, I’m not your girl. But nothing ventured, nothing gained, so I’m putting this out to the universe. And if you think you’d like to be a part of a journey on the development of a horse up the levels, whether it’s something from your own breeding program that you’d just like to stay a part of, or you’re a rockstar enthusiast who likes adventure, I want to hear from you, too. My email is lauren@spriesersporthorse.com.

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Homegrown Horses Are Our Best Chance For Topping The Podium

By |2024-07-08T16:21:32-04:00July 8th, 2024|COTH Posts|

Out there on the interwebs this month were three Facebook posts that caught my eye. One was on a sales group for dressage horses, where someone called trainers to task: “What is it with trainers these days? Particularly in the USA,” she wrote. “How come no one is willing to put in the effort to help develop a good horse, and instead they just expect their clients to have the budgets to go and buy the finished product? I know there are a handful of good trainers that don’t get the recognition they deserve but it seems the majority aren’t willing to put the work in. Thoughts?” The replies were thoughtful, bringing a range of experiences to the table.

The second was from a Dressage-News.com article that quoted former team coach and Olympian Debbie McDonald saying, “I think we need more people able to bring along young horses with people who are willing to support them to do that.”

And the third was a Facebook post by six-time Olympian and former team coach Robert Dover, lamenting a lack of ownership support for international horses grown here in the U.S.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

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So, You Want To Get Your First Job In The Horse World?

By |2024-07-08T16:24:23-04:00July 2nd, 2024|COTH Posts|

It’s a time of year when the horse job market is flooded with new graduates, both high schoolers not advancing on to college or those taking a gap year, and college grads, some from equine studies-adjacent programs, some not. We professionals in the equine business need support staff, whether it’s grooms or working students or vet techs or farrier’s assistants. There’s no barn-to-barn consistency in what one of those positions looks like, in the same way that being a server at TGI Fridays and a server at the nicest restaurant in Manhattan aren’t the same type of position. And with barns, just like restaurants, there are great ones and there are crappy ones, run by great people, run by crappy people.

I am so, so grateful to not be amongst the barns out there hiring right now (she says as she knocks wood and crosses her fingers and prays to whatever deity needs prayer to keep the team I have). The pandemic and its resulting economic strangeness have left the hiring market in the horse world a wild place. Inflation is making it harder and harder to keep up with wages. I’ve raised board five times in four years just to keep up with both increased costs on my end and also in trying to provide my employees with a wage that made it possible for them to live in a more expensive world. It’s tough, for a lot of people. I don’t have to tell you all this.

And listen, young and horsey, I see them too: the posts on the equine employment groups on Facebook that are offering unpaid positions with shady housing and long hours, touting “I will teach you the ways of the industry and provide invaluable experience” from people with boarding barns or low-level training jobs. If you think it sounds like one step above slave labor, it probably is.

With that said, somewhere behind the naiveté of my fellow Millennials who were told we could be anything we wanted to be—as long as we were willing to take on tens of thousands of dollars of student loans—only to have three epic financial crises in our lifetimes, and the Gen Z “tear it all down” approach to capitalism are a whole bunch of people who love horses and just want to make it all work. There’s gotta be a middle ground.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

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