How To Prepare For Devon

By |2016-09-29T21:15:22-04:00September 29th, 2016|COTH Posts|

sprieserdevongrandstandTHREE MONTHS BEFORE: Natasha, one of your assistant trainers, asks if she can join her family on a vacation for a chunk of time that includes Dressage at Devon. It’s not great timing, but you’re well staffed at home, so missing one person won’t be a disaster.

TEN DAYS BEFORE: One of your working students decides to quit and, having apparently been raised by wolves, also decides that you’re not owed the courtesy of two weeks’ notice, and she’s leaving the day before you head to PA. That leaves you with three people to care for 17 horses. (The response of those three people, by the way? “No problem. We got this.” Love them.)

THE SUNDAY BEFORE: Get a phone call from the man in your life, where he tells you that he’s running a 102* fever and feels like he’s been hit by a bus. Take everything with zinc in it in your medicine cabinet.

TWO WEEKS BEFORE: Out of curiosity, when was the last time you practiced the Grand Prix Special? (June, 2015). Do you know the Grand Prix Special? (Nope.)

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

Michael Barisone returns in October

By |2016-09-20T14:41:55-04:00September 20th, 2016|News & Events|

LSprieser.PersonalWebFileL.13DAD9040©’s back! Join us in Marshall, VA for another fantastic clinic with US Olympian, trainer of US Olympians and phenomenal teacher Michael Barisone. He’ll be here October 29-30, and auditing is available for $35/day if prepaid by 10/27, or $40/day at the door. Enjoy professional, Jr/YR and amateur riders from the lower levels to Grand Prix. Lunch is provided, and an RSVP is appreciated, even if you’re not prepaying (so we know how much food to make!)

Email Lauren to learn more.

Through Fire

By |2017-07-14T20:35:51-04:00September 19th, 2016|COTH Posts|

MichaelLaurenGrandPrixMy coach, Michael Barisone, is a Big Deal Guy.

We’d met in passing a few times, but never had more than a superficial “Hi, how are you, nice ride,” conversation until I was at Gladstone a few years ago for one of the USEF Talent Search type things. I had Ella and Midgey, both on the brink of Grand Prix. I was 24 or 25, taking clinics here and there with whoever was around, all good people, but there was no single thread to my training, and I was deeply, terribly lost in the weeds.

I was sitting ringside, licking my wounds after two not-remotely-productive lessons, and Michael approached me. “Hi Lauren. Those are two nice horses you’ve got there,” he said. I thanked him, and he asked, “Do you, you know, have a plan for what you’re doing with them?” Not really, no, I said. “Well, who’s your coach?” he asked. I told him that I clinic with X and Y, and I rode in a lesson with Z last month, and blah blah blah.

And he said something I’ll never forget: “Look, I don’t know you, and you don’t know me. But you’re a talented rider with nice horses, and you need a person. And if you want, I’ll be your person. I’ll show up whenever you need me. I’ll be kind to your amateur ladies, and I won’t try and steal your horses or your clients. And I’ll be your guy.”

No one had ever said that to me before, and he’s made good on every promise. I’m writing this from the Regional Finals, where I had a tough school on Ella on Thursday morning, and texted Michael that everything was horrible and I was quitting, and he texted me back right away that it was all going to be fine, then gave me 24 hours to shake it off before calling me up to tell me that everything is going to be fine, to give me a few things to think about in my next schooling ride, to tell me it was OK that I have these little freakouts (I’m very consistent), and that he loved me.

He’s my guy.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

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