Closing Out The Year

By |2016-02-14T05:49:59-05:00December 29th, 2015|COTH Posts|

ellasmoochI came home from the National Finals and braced for impact. Two things happen to me every autumn: first, things slow down. People give their horses, and themselves, a break, and it means that I don’t teach as much; combine with the holidays, and my whole world hits the brakes.

It’s fun for a few days, but then I start to twitch, as idleness does not become me, but I’m so tired that it’s sort of frantic, directionless energy. And that’s usually when Thing Two happens: I get really, really sick.

But 2015 was different, for whatever reason. Things didn’t slow down. I got to teach some clinics in some incredibly cool places, and made wonderful new friends along the way. Thanks to an amazing client, I’ve got an opportunity to shop for a young horse for us to own together, so I travelled around meeting baby horses. And my clients kept riding, bolstered by a big group that are all in the Prix St. Georges 2016 Or Bust Club, as well as by unusually balmy Virginia winter weather.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

Congratulations, Barbara!

By |2015-12-25T15:01:19-05:00December 25th, 2015|News & Events|

1927727_10153661689831999_9191471792782365431_nWe love helping our clients find the perfect horse. We love selling wonderful horses to great people. And so when we can help a wonderful client find a fantastic horse right in our own barn, we’re thrilled beyond words! What a wonderful Christmas present to have Barbara and De L’Amout come together under our roof. Congratulations to Barbara, Dela and to seller Belle Gray Farm. It’s a pleasure working for all of you!

Overheard In The Indoor

By |2018-01-11T10:16:18-05:00December 18th, 2015|COTH Posts|

A collection of any of the number of things that get said while riding at my farm on any given day:

Dude. Dude. Dude. DUDE.

Listen: I’m sorry. I really am. But this is the hand you were dealt. This is how it’s going to be. The sooner you accept this, the sooner I put you back in your field and give you a cookie.

By all means, keep whining. But the only person making your life hard right now is you.

My right leg is not. coming. off. Get used to it.

GOOD BOY DANNY OMG you’re a GENIUS you’re a ROCKSTAR you’re going to the OLYMPICS oh whoops there it went.

You’ve lived here since 2007. Does the corner have to be scary every day?

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

What Makes The Best In The Business?

By |2017-07-14T20:37:03-04:00December 8th, 2015|COTH Posts|

facebookHow we all come to find our trainers is a personal journey. Some folks get it right right off the bat, but more often than not, we’ve all kissed a few frogs along the way to finding our educational Prince (or Princess!) Charming, and we’ve also inevitably outgrown perfectly good programs and needed to seek out something, someone else.

I see lots of folks out there getting downright bad help, and I’m always struck by why anyone would tolerate trainers who tell them they’re stupid, or trainers who are awful riders, or trainers who are bad to their horses. But I also see lots of folks out there who don’t get enough help, and I wonder if it’s because they don’t know they need more help, or if they don’t know how to find more—or better quality–training.

When searching for a coach or trainer, here are some things I encourage folks to consider.

1. Has your coach done what you want to do? This seems like a no-brainer, but I can’t tell you how many riders I meet in clinics who are riding with people who haven’t competed at the level they themselves are striving to compete, or ever dealt with a horse or rider issue like the one their student is experiencing. Whether that’s youth riders with the NAJYRC working with trainers who’ve never shown the FEI levels, or adult amateurs working on bringing their horses up the levels working with coaches who’ve only ridden trained horses themselves, if your coach hasn’t done what you want to do, look elsewhere.

Read the rest on The Chronicle of The Horse!

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