Embrace The Suck

By |2018-01-11T10:21:40-05:00August 15th, 2015|COTH Posts|

I judged a few schooling shows at the Quantico Marine Base stables when I first arrived in Virginia. While there I chatted with a few of the faithful Marine husbands, at the show to support their wives. I forget how we got on the subject, but one told me that there’s a saying that goes around Marine basic training: “Embrace the suck.” It’s boot camp, preparing you for life as an elite warrior—it’s going to suck. And the sooner you accept that it’s going to suck, the easier things get.

It resonated with me, not just because the idea of that many push-ups makes me blanch, but because the training of young horses up the levels is a little bit the same way. The end result is a glorious thing to behold. But in the training part, there are days that it really, really sucks.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!


By |2015-08-13T17:36:05-04:00August 13th, 2015|COTH Posts|

IMG_2744It’s been nearly a month since my last blog, and a ton has happened, and none of it has been bad.

But you haven’t heard from me because in the last month, a ton has happened, and even though none of it has been bad, it has been a ton. I am grateful for the work, so, so grateful. I have terrific horses to ride, for which I am also incredibly grateful. And I have about two more weeks to push through before I get to take a three day vacation, and man-oh-man, am I ever grateful!

I had 11 hours between coming home from our triumphant Dressage at Lexington and leaving for the NAJYRC, during which I discovered that my air conditioning in my apartment had shut off while I was gone and so it was 93*; I did about five loads of laundry, had a beer, went to bed, had some coffee, and hit the road.

What should have taken 8 hours took more than 10, due first to a tractor-trailer flipping over and shutting I-81 down for an hour and a half (where I had a delightful chat with the Quebecois truck driver stopped on the interstate behind me, and also cleaned out my car), and then as devastating thunderstorms moved through Kentucky and threatened to chuck my little Honda off the road, so I hung out in a gas station parking lot until they passed.

The NAJYRC itself was fantastic. It was a glorious, good-weather week after that; the show ran smoothly, and Region 1 is so lucky to have some of the best Chefs de Equipe around. My student, Kristin, is a fantastic rider, and also has amazing parents, and we had a terrific week independent of Kristin’s successes, but it certainly didn’t hurt that she was 9th in the Individual Test and 5th in the Freestyle on beautiful rides that made me cry like a little girl.

On my way home, the air conditioning compressor gave out in my car, the last in a series of $1000+ repairs I was willing to make. So after the remaining five hour drive with the windows open on a 93* day, and with the helpful liquidation of my retirement fund (again), I’m on new wheels. It’s fine, I didn’t want to retire, you know, in this lifetime anyway.

Also, a week of nothing to do but watch Kristin ride and then eat and drink things plus the reality that my pending vacation will require putting myself in a bathing suit equals terrifying. And so the diet begins.

I think I was home for a whole week before the chaos descended again. Michael joined us for a clinic, and the timing was actually fantastic, nuttiness aside—I was really feeling like all the horses were going great but that I was a little stuck on what came next. I had a HUGE epiphany on Ella after Lexington, and Michael was incredibly helpful in making that solid. The more I just sit still and get out of her way, the better she gets (duh, I know, but there it is.) Danny needs to be straighter; Dorian needs to be better in his bend. Johnny needs to get off my hand, and Fender needs to go to my outside rein, no matter what direction we’re tracking. And Fiero just needs to keep soldiering on.

That brings us to last weekend, a small show for us at Culpeper, where Fiero had his best Prix St. Georges tests to date, and Ella and I had our best passes at my Grand Prix Freestyle, on 71 and 72 respectively, and with a better plan for both the riding of the test and for the warmup each time. I feel really ready, and as such, I’ve entered my first CDI, which pretty much guarantees that everything is about to go to Hell in a handcart. Outstanding.

We returned home from the show—after our first tire blowout of the year, a pretty good run for us!—only to have one of the working students step out of the trailer just wrong and break her ankle. So with another show this weekend, then me at the National Championships with Kristin next week, we’re down a set of hands in some of the hottest weather we’ve had, and all with a full barn.

T-mins 19 days till vacation. I think I’ll need it.

Keeping The Good Days

By |2015-07-20T07:20:26-04:00July 20th, 2015|COTH Posts|

Fender Two TempiUnderstatement of the year: life in the horse business ain’t easy. The ups are terrific but the downs can be so, so down–achingly long days, dirt and sweat and blood and tears, life and death and crushed expectations and placing hopes and dreams in the hooves of 1200 pound prey animals on lean legs.

But those ups. The days where the horses go well. The days were the clients make progress. The big wins. Those are the good days, and the universe has this funny way of handing them to you exactly when you need them.

Read the rest at The Chronicle Of The Horse!

Blogger Behind The Stall Door: Ellegria

By |2015-07-16T05:27:54-04:00July 16th, 2015|COTH Posts|

BSDElla3_0I’ve known Ella almost 10 years, so I think I probably know her better than anyone. And while she’s quietly confident in herself now, she’s terribly introverted, so she probably wouldn’t be all that excited about me sharing all of her wonderful little quirks with the world in a blog post.

But: I think she’s wonderful, brilliant, and should be shared with the world.

Plus, I have thumbs and she doesn’t. So world, meet Ellegria!

• Ella’s real name is Elly McBeal. I mean, really. So Ellegria she became, a play on “allegria,” the Spanish word for happiness, with the E because Westfalen foals’ names must start with the same first letter as their sires. Ella is also known as Ella-bella, Ella Ella Eh Eh Eh (from the Rhianna song “Umbrella”), Princess and Princess Ellegria Of The Mountain (which is what Michael calls her, and I have no idea why.)

Read the rest at The Chronicle Of The Horse!

The Long Way Around

By |2015-07-08T05:06:29-04:00July 8th, 2015|COTH Posts|

JohnnyCanter1I’ve made the decision to offer my phenomenal six-year-old, Johnny Road, up for syndication. Johnny’s always been one of my favorites, not just because he’s got freaky talented legs and a wonderful mind that takes pressure better than any horse I’ve owned at that age, but because he’s my kind of nerdy—he’s smart and clever and more than a little obnoxious, and I find that combination tremendously endearing (which probably explains why I’m still single.)

I’ve owned Johnny two years, since he was four, and at four his job was to go to shows at Training Level until he didn’t try and kill me. The first show, he spent a lot of time trying to kill me. The second show, he was a rockstar by Day Three, earning High Score Training Level for the show. And so I checked off that box, took him back home, and let him grow and develop and didn’t really freak out about what he was or wasn’t doing.

At five, I went to one more show, just to make sure the Dirtbag instinct was still dead. It was. High score First Level of the show. And I kept him home the rest of the year, where he grew almost a hand, sprouted this unreal topline from very little hard work, and proceeded to just generally be a pleasure and not keep me up at night.


Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse, and click here for more information on joining the Johnny Road Group!

Tie Me Up

By |2015-07-08T05:08:36-04:00June 15th, 2015|COTH Posts|

11425767_1135613333122135_2544840236101030467_nSocial media is funny. Every now and then I’ll write a blog that I think is AWESOME, really knocking it out of the park, and it’ll get almost no response. And every now and then, I’ll flippantly post a funny little photo on my Facebook orInstagram page, and it’ll go viral.

Such was the case with the photo of my Very Sophisticated Classical Dressage Training Technique to try and teach me how to ride Ella with my reins short and my hands down—a neck rope made of baling twine. I slip the twine under my finger holding the reins (which is why I prefer twine to a neck rope: less material in my hands) and, should I attempt to stick my hands up my nose, the twine will hit her neck and remind me to put them back down where they belong.

That photo blew up my Facebook page. TONS of comments, 200-and-counting “likes”… who knew that my redneckery was going to be such a hit?

The success of that picture got me thinking of all the other creative, and not-so-creative, ways that I help my students (and yes, sometimes myself) address bad equitation habits. Here are a few.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

How Ella Got Her Groove Back*

By |2015-06-09T21:20:26-04:00June 9th, 2015|COTH Posts|

ellamorvenpiaffesmall(*Before we begin, an author’s note: I came up with this blog’s clever title as a reference to the late 90s rom-com, but really, it should be called “How Lauren Got Her &#$! Together And Is, Slowly But Surely, Learning How To Ride Her Nice Horse.” But that has less of a ring to it. Carry on.)

Ella came home with me in January of 2006. She was 5. I was 21. Neither of us had any idea what we were doing.

I got incredible help from lots of people—Lendon Gray, with whom I trained while in college; Roz Kinstler, my wonderful friend who helped me my first winter in Florida when I was trying to figure out what the heck I was doing; Pam Goodrich, the first person to drive it home to me that riding horses and training horses are different skills; Scott Hassler, the first person to tell me Ella was really special.

Read the rest of this blog at the Chronicle of the Horse!

Six Years Of Dreams

By |2015-06-16T23:26:47-04:00June 9th, 2015|COTH Posts|

With future FEI horses, the six years of dreaming of how good they’ll be is spent doing boring but crucial development work. Photo by Sara Lieser.

As my students all can attest, I’ve been geeking out all week about an article featuring nuggets of wisdom from Carl Hester. I’ve been so stoked about it because a) he’s awesome, and b) so, so many of the things he highlights in the article are things that I believe in, and preach to my own students.

He’s also got a great way of putting some really wonderful but complicated things about horse training. One of my favorites from the piece is that when it comes to training a young horse from the beginning of his career to Grand Prix, you’ve got six years of dreams.

Read the rest of this blog on the Chronicle of the Horse!

Horse Show Brain

By |2015-05-12T12:46:45-04:00May 7th, 2015|COTH Posts|

horseshowbrainI had the most incredible ride yesterday. I’m pretty much on top of everything for the Grand Prix on Ella, but there’s a gear in the passage I’m still not 100 percent confident in, and in my last lesson with Michael he put me on a 20-meter circle in passage and had me just play with it—what happens when I use my leg like this, what happens when I use my seat like that, until I cultivated the passage I wanted.

Yesterday, I rode outside, as it’s just gorgeous in Virginia right now. The sun was low on the horizon, and it was cool and crisp, and the birds were chirping, and the air smelled like apple blossom, and ultimately none of those things mattered because as I rode, I had one of those cool tunnel vision moments, where the whole world falls away and it’s just me and the horse.

In his book “The Talent Code,” which I highly recommend, if you haven’t read it, author Daniel Coyle calls moments like that “deep practice.” Unlike regular practice, this is deep, profound and zen-like, and it’s the most important and powerful practice of a task you can do. It’s fleeting. When you’re in that place, the world becomes very small and very quiet.

I love moments like that, rare as they are. They are, fortunately, as rare as the equally quiet, small world moments I experienced riding tests in the beginning of my career, the moments where I’d warm up, go down centerline… and completely fall apart.

I call it “Horse Show Brain.”

It manifests a little different for everyone who experiences it. For me, when it would happen, everything suddenly speeds up. Everything happens faster and faster, it seems, no matter what speed we’re actually going. For others, I’ve heard it described as a zoning out, where you “wake up” and the test is nearly over and you’re not sure you how got there. And for still others, something starts to go awry, and all of the tools you’ve learned as a rider suddenly elude you, like when people get under the spotlight to sing the National Anthem and the words spontaneously vacate their brains.

At a recent show, two of my students made big, important level move-ups, one to third level, one to Prix St. Georges. Both are good riders on solid horses (that we’ve trained up the levels ourselves, thankyouverymuch) who are totally ready for the level. Both are also very bright women, smart and successful both personally and professionally. They’ve been running through the test at home, without problems. They were ready.

And because I’ve been doing this a long time, I knew that one of two things was going to happen.

Option A was that on Day 1 they were going to remember all that they’ve learned, show up, ride their tests like we’ve practiced, have a great time, and then do the same on Day 2.

Option B was that on Day 1 they were going to freeze up, ride below their usual standard, spend all night fuming, and ride like rockstars on Day 2.

Guess which happens most often? And guess which happened to them?

That’s not entirely true. My student making her third level debut kept her wits about her for most of the test, only falling apart a bit in the flying changes, and you could see it happen, watching her face.

Bless my Prix St. Georges student, her brain left the building entirely.

And sure enough, we got dinner that night, and everyone was frustrated and sullen, and the next day they both manned up, got it together and rode like champs.

It’s so frustrating, as a trainer, watching your students go through this. I imagine that it’s a lot like parenting, watching your young children get dumped, or get their first C grade, or not get picked for the team; you know it’s going to happen, and you know it’s going to make them better in the long run, but you wish you could take the pain and frustration away.

But I can’t, and so I watch my wonderful students flame out, and then I’m there to hold their hands while they vent, and then help them put themselves back together for Day 2, when they keep themselves together, rely not on their reptilian brain but on their big ol’ frontal lobe, the one that knows to drive into the changes, the one that knows to let go of the curb rein, the one that knows that the most important part of the half halt is the letting go part after, the one that remembers to keep the leg on and the butt down and to not stare at the neck.

And maybe, one day soon, they’ll have a ride where the birds and the trees and the crowd and their fears and the rest of the whole wide world disappears, and it’s just them and their horses alone in that beautiful zen-like state that allows the greatness to come through.

(And if not, there’s aways cupcakes and margaritas. They help. A lot.)



Back In The Swing of Things

By |2015-05-12T12:44:58-04:00May 5th, 2015|COTH Posts|

backintheswingA month home from Florida and I’m finally feeling settled in. That month wasn’t exactly quiet—a show, the World Cup Final, a clinic with Michael, a Pony Club rating, and moving out of my house in town and back to the farm—and I just felt very scattered. Being in one place for a while sounds pretty great.

Of course, that’s not exactly what’s going to happen. We have back-to-back shows the first two weekends of May (though, mercifully, with different sets of horses), but then the rest of the month to keep working away at home, including our first-ever Adult Dressage Camp (which was so popular we expanded it to a second weekend, and still have a wait list—wahoo!)

But I’m finally getting into a rhythm and a plan with all of the horses I ride. The babies are all pretty easy, as they’ve all pretty much plateaued from their big Florida push.

Danny, who’s had his changes for as long as I’ve known him—though rideability of them (and really everything else) has been the question—made a BIG burst of improvement right at the end of the season, and there he’s stayed for the last month. I continue to work on building his topline; while he’s far from a puny weakling, he is also capable of way more work than you’d think by looking at him, which means he fatigues quickly, and the last thing I want is for him to get hurt by out-fancying his muscles. So we do lots of incredibly-boring muscle building work—transitions, both between and within gaits, and very simple half-pass lines. And we wait for the next level of work to find us.

Johnny struggled the most with the changes; whenever I try a baby horse out, I always hit a diagonal each way and ask for a change, just to see what they volunteer from nature. And Johnny volunteered not much of anything. This didn’t scare me; I am, if you all will indulge me a little ego, pretty good at teaching the changes, and he doesn’t have any problem learning or being told what to do, so he’ll get them.

In his two years with me they’ve gone from a whole lotta nuthin’ to a very late leapy change to a one-stride-late change with no leaping, so he’s on his way. I’ve got some really good tools to address them (which I just learned you can read about in the forthcoming July issue of Practical Horseman, when my article on addressing late changes will come out! Stay tuned!), and so I shall, until they are done, whenever that is.

Dorian made big change progress in Florida, and we came home with one super solid and rideable one, and one that was persistently not only one stride late behind, but also a little launchy. Dorian is about the sweetest creature on the planet, but when he has a teenage moment, it’s a bit spectacular—never EVER life-threatening or malicious in the slightest, but he is a very big, very good athlete.

The secret to that change, which has, over the last month, become about 90% solid, is a bit like the secret to everything Danny does—dumb it down, make it boring. They’re both REALLY impressive-moving horses, which is cool, as long as it’s yours; when it’s not yours, it’s high-power in every direction, which is hard to contain.

Riding Dorian in a really simple, almost a little earthbound, canter has taken the drama out of that change. And like any big, fancy-moving horse, I know I’ll always be able to turn up the power when he’s ready to do so; I can take it for granted just a bit.

None of the development “issues” (that word again! I hate it!) these guys are facing scare me in the slightest—they’re all world-class good horses, who are all still very young. I’m in no hurry.

Fiero, too, is well ahead of “The Curve,” if there is such a thing. At 8 years old he’s clocking off the Prix St. Georges work, and only missing strength and power, which no one can rush. Virginia spring weather is spectacular, and I look forward to working him more outside, on our gorgeous hills (though the first time we did this, he cheerfully clocked off pirouette after pirouette both up and down hills for quite a while with a big smile on his face, and then could barely get out of bed the next day. Oops. Too much fun?)

Fender will also be going to hill-work boot camp, though he packed on a ton of muscle in Florida just doing his work—he looks absolutely amazing. He’s the one I have with me at this weekend’s show, where we did a more-power-than-balance first pass at the Intermediaire I, including a very cheerful line of two-tempis that he mistook for a slalom ski course. Whoops.

I can’t get over the dramatic improvement to his maturity, particularly in the last couple of months. Midgey did the exact same thing when he turned 9, and I imagine it’s a bit like the junior year of college. You wake up one morning and go, oh crap—the beer I’ve been drinking is giving me a potbelly, I’m 18 months away from having to be a functional adult, and everything my parents have been trying to tell me for the last 20 years of my life that I thought was all nonsense is all totally true. I’d better get it together! And Midgey did, and Fender did too, and it’s kind of incredible—it was like an instant change. I love it!

Last but not least, my wonderful Ella girl. My Grand Prix skills are WAY rusty, which Ella has been very sweetly and politely pointing out to be every day. Riding her is so unlike riding everything else I ride, because she is TRAINED, and I have to ride her like a rider, instead of a trainer. This is unbelievably hard for me.

Not only have I been exclusively training for the last two years, but I also ride one horse like her, instead of the six or seven others I ride on a regular basis who are all in need of my baby-horse-management skills. Fortunately, I’ve got an awesome team who’s been videoing me, so I can sit back and watch at the end of the day (which involves lots of angry shouts of “DAMNIT WOMAN SHORTEN YOUR &*#$*! REINS!!!” from my office, which my wonderful employees have learned to ignore.)

I’ve gotten most of the kinks out of most of the things, with that darned passage still the last hold out—Ella makes it so easy for me to ride the big open floaty one, instead of the short high crisp one, and it’s the latter that gives me the transition to piaffe, whereas the former gives me zilch. I’ll figure it out. Until I do, should you pass by my arena in the mornings, you’ll hear me doing a lot of yelling at myself, which Ella, too, has graciously learned to ignore.


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