Looking for new team members!

By |2019-03-10T16:54:39-04:00March 10th, 2019|News & Events|

We’re looking for an ambitious and energetic team player to join us April 1. Our working student interns groom, tack, clean, learn, ride, show and get PAID and HOUSED to do it all! Working student interns grow into our assistant trainers, or leave us for more advanced positions both within and outside of the horse industry. And while here, our interns are treated kindly and fairly, and get as many opportunities to show client horses and learn from our in-house instructors AND outside trainers as I can find.

We’d love a full-time, long-term employee, but I’m also willing to consider a short-term or even part-time arrangement for someone able to start April 1. Email a resume to kelly@spriesersporthorse.com to learn more about being a member of our fantastic team!

Elvis Has Entered A Horse Show

By |2019-04-01T06:24:23-04:00March 7th, 2019|COTH Posts|

I entered Elvis in our first show together. He’s been training terrific, feeling really good in his body, and, as always, fantastic in his brain.

Of course, three days before the show it occurred to me that I’d never attempted a canter-halt transition. I’d done maybe two extended trots in my entire time with Elvis, zero extended canters and zero rein-backs.

So I was super well prepared.

Fortunately, Elvis is super at extended canter, very obedient in the rein-back, and good enough in the canter-halt transition, so off to the show we went. My goal on the first day was to put together an obedient and organized test—and other than the moment where I forgot that the half-pass zig-zag started at the centerline until I was nearly at the quarterline, which made for some creative steering, I did. But he won the Developing Prix St. Georges on a 69 percent, with the comment that for higher scores, I needed more expression and finesse.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

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