Results from Lexington

By |2017-05-22T06:44:14-04:00May 22nd, 2017|News & Events|

We had a great outing to Lexington Spring Dressage! Our small but plucky force had some great educational rides, and ate SO MUCH good Mexican food. Onto Morven Park next month!

Here are some results from the show.

Eliza Gardner & Ellegria
1st Place Young Rider Team Test, 62.632%
2nd Place Young Rider Individual Test, 63.026%

Kristin Hickey & Leapfrog
4th Place Prix St. Georges, 62.763%

Kristin Hickey & Capital Call
3rd Place Prix St. Georges, 63.895%
3rd Place Prix St. Georges, 63.421%

Hannah McSween & Avatar
4th Place 2nd Level Test 3, 64.878%
6th Place 2nd Level Test 3, 63.415%

A Gold Medal Outing at CDCTA – May Newsletter

By |2017-05-22T06:39:16-04:00May 17th, 2017|News & Events|

We had a triumphant first recognized outing to CDCTA’s Spring show at Morven Park. Huge congratulations to Torrey Wilkinson for finishing her USDF Gold Medal, and to Kristin Hickey and Becky Lee for Zarco’s Second Level High Score! We’ve also got an upcoming weekend with Michael Barisone, and fun news about summer training and lessons. Read the rest here, and sign up to receive our e-newsletters directly in your inbox.

Casting Stones

By |2017-05-18T09:54:25-04:00May 11th, 2017|COTH Posts|

A while back I had a client enter a show at a big level, her debut at that level, and her first show after a long competitive gap. Her horse is an amazing creature, a phenomenal athlete with an equally incredible mind, who’s also had a long history of health issues, including trying very hard to die on her twice, fortunately to no avail. She’s done the lion’s share of the training herself, and he’d spent a month with me to finish up one last piece of the test. Was she ready to do this level? Mostly. Was it going to be incredible? Certainly not.

But I talked her into entering anyway, and here’s why. First, on her best day, she was close enough. Second, the show was close, and we—my students and I—were going already. This client doesn’t live nearby, so it was a great opportunity for me to be there with her to talk her through it. And last but not least, horses are horses, and she’s been thisclose to this level for two years, marred by an annoying injury in the middle.

Screw it, I told her. Life is short. Carpe diem. Get in the ring.

Read the rest online at The Chronicle of the Horse!

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