Ride Times for November 26-27 Clinic with Michael Barisone

By |2016-11-22T13:19:37-05:00November 22nd, 2016|News & Events|

10:00 Jean Loonam & Red Hot Chili Pepper, 10 yr Hanoverian gelding, First Level
10:45 Natasha Sprengers-Levine & Hurricane, 4 yr KWPN Gelding, First Level
11:30 Lauren Sprieser & Danny Ocean, 2007 KWPN gelding, Prix St. Georges
12:15 Lunch
12:45 Becky Lee & Wonderland II S, 12 yr Hanoverian mare, Third Level
1:30 Nicohl Smith & Sir Valentine, 6 yr Oldenburg gelding, Training Level Eventing
2:15 Jamie Pantel & Durango, 14 yr Hanoverian gelding, Prix St. Georges
3:00 Torrey Wilkinson & Talisman BHF, 12 yr PRE cross mare, Grand Prix
3:45 Liza Broadbent & Victorious, 14 yr KWPN-NA gelding, Prix St. Georges
4:30 Lauren Sprieser & Johnny Road, 7 yr GOV gelding, Third Level
5:15 Lauren Fisher & Eureka BBR, 7 yr KWPN-NA mare, Second Level

7:30 Lauren Sprieser & Danny Ocean, 8 yr KWPN gelding, Prix St. Georges
8:15 Natasha Sprengers-Levine & Hurricane, 4 yr KWPN Gelding, First Level
9:00 Jean Loonam & Red Hot Chili Pepper, 10 yr Hanoverian gelding, First Level
9:45 Lauren Sprieser & Johnny Road, 7 yr GOV gelding, Third Level
10:30 Liza Broadbent & Victorious, 14 yr KWPN-NA gelding, Prix St. Georges
11:15 Lauren Sprieser & Dorian Gray, 8 yr KWPN gelding, Prix St. Georges
12 Lunch
12:30 Lisa Hellmer & Aniko, 10 yr Oldenburg gelding, Third Level
1:15 Torrey Wilkinson & Talisman BHF, 12 yr PRE cross mare, Grand Prix
2:00 Jamie Pantel & Dante, 21 yr Westfalen gelding, Intermediate I

Interested in auditing? Email Lauren to RSVP (so we know how much lunch to make!)

2016 U.S. Dressage Finals: In The Books, With One Regret

By |2017-03-01T22:50:15-05:00November 14th, 2016|COTH Posts|

I’m sitting in my PJs recovering from a terrific trip to Kentucky for the U.S. Dressage Finals, sipping coffee, listening to my mountains of laundry churn away, packing up my show clothes for the trip to Florida in January, and looking back on a wonderful year.

I couldn’t have been more excited to put 2015 behind me anyway, but my students made 2016 amazing, as well as my own group of horses. Normally by this point in the year I’m a pile of quivering exhaustion, and while you’re certainly not hearing me complain about the prospect of six weeks with virtually nothing to do except teach and ride and breathe, I’m not nearly as fried this year as I’ve been in the past. Having a great village, wonderful horses and a few big goals checked off the list will do that!

We had a seamless trip both to and from Kentucky. The horses travelled beautifully, we got mostly good ride times, the weather held, and we didn’t have any flat tires—miraculous! Two amateur students travelled with me, and both had super rides throughout the weekend, applying what they’ve learned throughout the year to make the most of their trips. Congratulations to Cathy and Torrey on a great year!

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

Two Ways Up The Levels

By |2016-11-15T14:05:36-05:00November 8th, 2016|COTH Posts|

cardoon-psg-debutI get asked some form of this question 50 times a year, in lessons, at clinics, via email or Facebook: how do I rise up the levels? What’s the best plan to get from being a lower-level rider to FEI? What path should I follow?

There are, for all intents and purposes, two options: to find a schoolmaster, a horse trained to the upper levels, from whom to learn; or to bring along a green horse, to teach him and yourself together along the way.

There’s some variety in those two paths, and neither option is perfect. Here’s a look at what I feel are the pros and cons to both situations.

If you go the schoolmaster route, you’ve got yourself a horse that knows the work, and can teach you. This is very cool, and certainly on the right schoolmaster, I’ve seen riders make tremendous progress in a short period of time, not just in learning how to execute the upper level movements, but also in riding with an honest connection from hind legs to bridle, truly sitting the trot instead of trying to figure out how on a horse who’s not always through, and so on, and so on. A horse that’s trained to do not just the things but to do the things right is an incredible teacher.

However, they have their challenges. In any horse purchase, but particularly purchasing an older horse who’s been managed in one fashion, chemistry is a crucial factor, and sometimes hard to gauge in just a few trial rides. More than once have I gone shopping with clients, tried a horse several times, brought it home and had it be a mess because the chemistry just isn’t there. Trying horses for sale is like speed dating, but with a wedding at the end, for better or worse.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

Winter Lesson Weekends with Lauren

By |2016-11-03T09:54:54-04:00November 3rd, 2016|News & Events|

douwesnowLauren comes home to Virginia once a month in January, February and March to teach two days of lessons. The 2017 dates are January 21-22, February 18-19 and March 11-12. These times tend to book quickly, so if you’d like to be on her list for lessons, email her directly to sign up.

We’ve also still got stalls available for winter training. Take advantage of all our wonderful cold-weather amenities, like our oversized and dust-free indoor, our heated grooming bays and wash stalls, and all-weather turnout paddocks. Email Lauren to learn more!

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