One Night At Global

By |2016-02-14T05:54:12-05:00January 18th, 2016|COTH Posts|

ellaglobalpatElla and I kicked off 2016 in the first CDI-W of the year. She felt absolutely amazing in the warm-up, so energetic and keen to my aids, the best I’ve ever had her. I feel great about the amount of fitness work we did in the fall—we even got an award for the fittest and healthiest horse, so it’s not just me that thinks she looks incredible!—and I feel frustrated that we didn’t do very well.

I’m still learning how to keep all the pieces together, and still learning what contact I need to show in the ring to make her look her best; and the sound system at Global needs some serious work, with the installation of a new VIP tent that makes riding in there like riding in a fishbowl, with bad echoing that made my freestyle a bit of a hot mess.

Read the rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

Like The Kids Say

By |2016-02-14T06:59:30-05:00January 7th, 2016|COTH Posts|

FenderStratAs usual, we’ve arrived in Florida, and everything has gone a little sideways.

Everyone is fine, no calamities. But between a few Naughty Baby Squirrel moments and some rogue skin crud, it’s been a colorful week. My Young Rider student, Kristin, is here taking part in Robert Dover’s Horsemastership Week, and I’ve gotten to watch a little, as well as be in the presence of a large collection of teenage girls. It’s reminding me that a) I’m getting old, fast; but also b) kids have their own way of working through, and describing, their world.

Read the (hilarious) rest at The Chronicle of the Horse!

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