Winter Arena Rental

We use e-Scheduling!

While Team Sprieser enjoys our Wellington, Florida location from mid-December through early April, we allow for use of our indoor arena. Take advantage of our oversized, mirrored and lit indoor with dust-free footing, easy parking, and a small collection of jumps and cavaletti.

We charge $25 PER HORSE for 45 minutes, and everything is contact-free. We use Time Center for our online scheduling. We accept online payment (Venmo to @lauren-sprieser is our favorite, but we can accept others; send Lauren an email), and you can sign our waiver either here or by scanning the QR code in the arena with your phone.

Are you an instructor looking to teach in our indoor? We can make that happen with a few additions to your insurance. Please send Lauren an email to learn more.

Please respect our space – clean up after yourself, put away any equipment you use, turn off any lights you turn on, close any doors you open, and park conscientiously.

Looking to take a virtual lesson with Lauren or one of the assistants? We waive our arena use fee for those taking lessons! Sign up for the same spot on both the instructor’s lesson calendar and the arena use calendar. Our Wifi has no password to use.